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ADB and NDF sign co-financing agreements


The two agreements were signed in connection with NDF’s visit to Manila this week

ADB and NDF signed the co-financing agreement for the Sustainable and Resilient Urban Development in Vietnam (Innovative and Climate Resilient Housing in the Mekong Delta) on 10 September in Manila. The project will make poor Mekong Delta communities more resilient to climate change by improving urban planning and infrastructure, including improved low-income housing.

ADB and NDF also signed an amendment to the co-financing agreement for Harnessing Climate Change Mitigation Initiatives to Benefit Women (Gender and Climate Change). The amendment allows for an increase in the grant amount in order to facilitate an extension of the project activities both in scope and in time.  

The agreements were signed by ADB’s Head of the Office of Co-financing Operations, Mr. Rune Stroem, and NDF’s Managing Director, Mr. Pasi Hellman, and Country Program Manager, Ms. Martina Jägerhorn.

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This technical assistance project will support national and sub-national government agencies in incorporating gender specific concerns in their work on climate change related policies.