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Additional financing for the project Gender and Climate Change


On 7 July 2015, the Board of Directors approved additional financing of EUR 415,000 for the project Gender and Climate Change (ADB: TA 7914 Harnessing Climate Change Mitigation Initiatives to Benefit Women)

The objective of the project is to support an improved enabling environment for gender-sensitive climate change mitigation policies and project finance in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. This objective will be achieved by working on mainstreaming gender into national and sub-national climate change related policies and facilitate participation of women in the decision-making process regarding climate change related issues. Three pilot projects will be carried out under the project and function as a link between hands-on climate change mitigation work, capacity-building and policy formulation. The pilot projects are designed to be replicable and in order to collect and diffuse knowledge and lessons learned from these pilot projects and facilitate their replication, a regional knowledge hub has been established.

The additional financing will enable scaling-up of the pilot projects and development of practical tools and templates for gender-sensitive NAMAs. Scaling-up of the pilot projects include expansion of activities as well as introducing microfinance opportunities connected to the pilot activities. These additions will strengthen the sustainability of the activities under the pilots and also meet market demands for the climate-friendly technologies supplied.

The regional knowledge hub for the project has studied the developments regarding incorporating gender concerns in climate finance instruments. The additional financing will enable these studies to be developed into tools and templates to be used to further prepare policymakers to mainstream gender into NAMAs and facilitate readiness for accessing climate change funding.

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This technical assistance project will support national and sub-national government agencies in incorporating gender specific concerns in their work on climate change related policies.