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Climate Priorities for Cities in Latin America


The Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative (ESCI) presents Action Plans for Managua and Cochabamba to address climate change and increase resilience

Together with representatives from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Nordic Development Fund (NDF), Mayor Daysi Torres presented the Managua Action Plan at a public event last week in Managua. The Action Plan for Managua includes a number of prioritized actions that will improve long-term urban sustainability. The priorities include strengthening flood management and protection, upgrading poor neighbourhoods, increasing city density, rehabilitating the old city centre, and making green corridors throughout the city and buffer zones with agroforestry and outdoor recreation. The Action Plan for Managua is financed by NDF through the Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative.

In Cochabamba, Bolivia, the Action Plan for the greater urban area was presented on Friday 13 December at a public event with gathered city authorities and representatives from the Inter-American Development Bank. The priorities for Cochabamba include improving water access infrastructure, disaster risk planning, improving urban transportation including a cycle mobility plan and construction of cycle lanes, green corridor planning, health and security.

The Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative (ESCI) is a technical assistance program that helps intermediate cities in Latin America and the Caribbean in identifying, prioritizing, and structuring projects to improve their environmental, urban and fiscal sustainability. The Nordic Development Fund co-finances ESCI with EUR 2.1 million to develop action plans for cities in Bolivia, Honduras, and Nicaragua.


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