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Confronting drought in Africa’s drylands


Presentation of new World Bank report on enhancing resilience at Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Drylands are at the core of Africa’s development challenge. Vulnerability to climate change and other risks is growing and affecting the livelihoods and well-being of hundreds of millions of people. What are the opportunities and obstacles for enhancing resilience in the face of these risks?

These and other questions were discussed at a seminar in Copenhagen earlier this week organised by the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) in collaboration with the Nordic Development Fund (NDF). The World Bank’s lead environmental economist Raffaello Cervigni presented the key results of a major new study: Confronting Drought in Africa’s Drylands: Opportunities for Enhancing Resilience. The seminar brought together development practitioners, researchers, and representatives of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Nordic Development Fund.

The study contributes to the ongoing dialogue among policy makers and development practitioners about measures to reduce the vulnerability and enhance the resilience of populations living in drylands regions of sub-Saharan Africa. Based on analysis of current and projected future drivers of vulnerability and resilience, the study identifies promising interventions, such as strengthening current livelihood strategies in the drylands, and putting in place safety nets to address the needs of the poor and vulnerable. In addition, the study assesses the possibilities for promoting alternative livelihood strategies. Geographically, the focus is on dryland zones in West and East Africa, where vulnerability to drought and other shocks is highest.

The study is a collaborative effort led by the World Bank together with African institutions. The Nordic Development Fund provides a grant to finance the in-depth studies on pastoralists and livestock.

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The study will focus on pastoralist groups in the Sahel and Horn of Africa and support novel approaches to quantify and map drivers of vulnerability in drylands, and is expected to provide a comprehensive overview of the options for climate-resilient, low-carbon development in these resource poor areas.