Conservation of mangrove ecosystems in Honduras
Grant financing of EUR 3.1 million by NDF has been approved for Conservation of Mangrove Ecosystems and Sustainable Livelihoods for Coastal Communities.
The project will address mangrove degradation and loss through enhancing information and knowledge of existing mangrove ecosystems. This information will be used for policy development and management tools in tandem with strengthening institutional capacity, strategic alliances and policy dialogue.
A specific component will address climate resilience of local communities (both men and women) through community-based mangrove monitoring for management and livelihood options linked to conservation and sustainable use.
Mangroves are critical ecosystems prevalent along the coasts of Central America, both along the Pacific and the Caribbean seas. Mangrove ecosystems provide ecological services that are effective for both adaptation and mitigation to climate change. These services have significant value, both ecological and economic, that support and sustain the local communities and economic sectors of Central America.
NDF will support the project through joint co-financing with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), who will be the executing agency in close collaboration with the Government of Honduras and local indigenous and Afro-Honduran communities and their organisations. NDF financing will be allocated to the implementation of the whole project.