EOI Consultancy Services Study of Coastal Zones of Tanzania
Investment Prioritization for Resilient Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Coastal Zones of Tanzania
The Government of Tanzania has requested support from the World Bank in the areas of improved coastal adaptation with a focus on fisheries/NRM management and sustainable tourism. Through financial support from the Nordic Development Fund (NDF), the World Bank thus intends to conduct a rapid analytical study, which will provide data and information, as well as guidance on the prioritization of needed actions related to coastal management and climate adaptation.
The objective of the consultancy services is to prioritize geographically and thematically the actions to promote sustainable coastal livelihoods and ecosystems in Tanzania (both Mainland and Zanzibar). The results will comprise a roadmap for coastal management and climate change adaptation in Tanzania, which the Government of Tanzania, NGOs, and donors can use to guide their support and investments. The full Expression of Interest (EOI) notice is found on WB eConsultant2. The EOI notice is # 1091861 and the EOI should be done through the WB eConsultant2.