NDF funds sustainability along Rwandan charcoal value chains
Through a EUR 3.7 million grant, NDF will help improve woodlot management, charcoal production and seed quality in Northwest Rwanda. Jointly financed with the World Bank, the project will improve efficiency and sustainability along charcoal value chains in support of forest landscape restoration and rural livelihoods.
The woodlot management part of the project will encompass forests in Gishwati-Mukura, which in 2016 became Rwanda’s fourth national park. Building upon existing plans and training, the NDF-funded activities will initiate local-level planning of existing woodlots to improve management and increase productivity.
The project components also include strengthening cooperatives to improve production techniques as well as the value, quality and marketing of the charcoal produced. Additionally, NDF will support the National Seed Centre in order to improve and diversify the tree seed pool. The final part of the project will target commercial tea factories' wood consumption and households’ cooking needs through analysis and assessment of sustainable alternatives.
In accordance with NDF’s mandate, the project will help Rwanda with mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Improved woodlot management and more efficient charcoal production will reduce pressure on scarce forest resources. By diversifying tree species and implementing erosion control measures, the project will also contribute to reducing loss of assets and livelihoods in rural Rwanda.
The project will be implemented by Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) within the Ministry of Natural Resources (MINIBENA).