NDF takes part in the Africa Climate Resilience Investment Summit (ACRIS)
Karin Isaksson, NDF Managing Director will speak about building-back-better and greener in her opening speech at the fifth edition of ACRIS that takes place virtually on 16 – 17 June 2021, under the theme "Embedding and financing climate resilience towards Africa's green recovery."
Building-back-better and greener will be a key part of the Covid-19 recovery process in Africa that will be in focus at the fifth Africa Climate Resilience Investment Summit (ACRIS) taking place virtually this week. ACRIS is a flagship event of the Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility (AFRI-RES), co-financed by the Nordic Development Fund (NDF). The ACRIS V event will attract 400+ senior attendees from regional governments, international and regional NGOs and agencies, utilities, CBOs, investors and donors, research institutes, and private sector solution providers.
The objectives of ACRIS V are to bring together the public and private sector to identify opportunities for leveraging limited public resources to mobilise the enormous investments needed to develop Africa's infrastructure urgently. The event will identify opportunities for supporting African countries by integrating climate resilience in investments in critical sectors such as agriculture, energy, water, transport, ecosystems, and cities as an effective strategy for responding to the twin crises of climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic.
ACRIS V will support African countries in putting green infrastructure investments in the heart of building forward for an African green recovery and attaining the Paris Agreement's goals, the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the African Union's Agenda 2063. It will also provide a platform for introducing global technology and service providers who can support this agenda.
The two-day event will have six high-level panel sessions: 1) Investing in cross-border energy infrastructure for enhanced resilience; 2) From vulnerability to resilience: opportunities for coastal and island states; 3) Building resilience through natural capital – nature-based solutions; 4) Climate-smart agriculture; 5) Innovative financing for resilience in the era of COVID-19 and beyond in Africa; and 6) The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility – successes, opportunities and partnerships for building resilience in Africa.
NDF Managing Director Karin Isaksson will deliver the opening speech. Aage Jorgensen, NDF Program Manager, will be in the panel on the Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility - successes, opportunities and partnerships for building resilience in Africa.
More information:
GRV Global webpage for ACRIS V
NDF teams up with ECA, AUC, World Bank and AfDB to operationalise AFRI-RES
Engaging the private sector in climate resilient infrastructure development