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Participatory projects change lives in Africa


NDF and the World Bank reviewed results of two participatory projects in Senegal and Benin relating to sustainable use of forestry resources in June 2016.

“Project progress has been slower than planned,” says Martina Jägerhorn, Country Program Manager. “This is typical for projects where the beneficiaries are expected to participate in project implementation. But from the perspective of the enormous positive impact that the projects have had on the rural poor, it has been worthwhile to wait for the results,” she says.

Beekeeping changed Ms Helena HOVEGBE’s life in the village of Dovi-Somè in Benin (on the left side of picture 1). “Thanks to the income I received from selling the honey, I have been able to buy two sewing machines and establish a small business,” she says. During a good year, one beekeeper can earn an income of more than 5,000 EUR. 

Another beekeeper from the same village added: “Before, we collected honey from the wild bees in the forests. The traditional honey collecting methods burned down the forests and it took a long time before we could harvest honey again. Thanks to the beehives provided by the project, we can now harvest honey three times a year.” According to NDF’s estimates, minimising fires is a significant factor in curbing emission reductions.

The beekeepers have learned not only how to keep bees, but also how to construct beehives from local materials. The picture 2 shows beehive construction in Sokponta in Benin. The beehive owner, Ms Pierette DOKO, is the second from the left. NDF supports 160 beekeepers in 16 villages in Benin by providing the initial beehives and training.

The bees collect honey from the flowers of the cashew nut trees. NDF has supported cashew tree nurseries and the planting of 16,000 trees. The seven-week old seedling in picture 3 has been raised in this nursery in Hoco in Benin by 12 residents of the community and is now ready to be planted. Besides providing honey, the trees provide valuable cashew nuts as well as greenhouse gas emission sequestration. In addition, the fruit of the tree is edible.

In picture 4, this resident of Nguéniène, Senegal, is very satisfied with the 18m³ biodigestor, which was installed with NDF support. The biodigestor saves her an enormous amount of time, decreasing the time she needs to collect firewood. Moreover, cooking with biogas is significantly cleaner than the smoky tree-stone system, improving her family’s health. In addition to biogas, this installation can also produce up to 90 tons of organic fertilisers which can be used to fertilise an area of 90 ha, or alternatively, can be sold for a price of 3500 F CFA (5 EUR) per 25 kg bag. Furthermore, biogas decreases the need to cut down trees for cooking purposes. In total, NDF is aiming to support 540 such installations in Senegal.

Picture 5 shows one of the kiosks in Sor, Saint Louis, Senegal, selling improved cookstoves. From left to right: Mr Aliou KA, artisan and producer of cookstoves, holding the smallest model in his hands; Ms Sokhna NDIAYE, selling the cookstoves at the kiosk; and Ms Bineta DIOP, the project’s expert in domestic energy.


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The NDF grant will contribute to climate change mitigation by supporting sustainable use of forestry resources including measures to reduce deforestation by strengthening community-based sustainable wood fuel production and market management systems.