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Transport NAMA development strengthened in Asia


NDF is co-financing with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) a technical cooperation project to establish a Transport NAMA Support Facility with the aim of strengthening transport NAMA development in Asia

The Warsaw Statement on Low Carbon Transport and Sustainable Development endorsed at Transport Day 2013, alongside the nineteenth Conference of the Parties (COP-19) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), emphasises the use of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) for developing countries in the transport sector. It aims to produce cost- effective low carbon or even carbon-free transport strategies as a way of achieving sustainable development and climate- resilient transport systems.

NDF is co-financing with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) a technical cooperation project to establish a Transport NAMA Support Facility with the aim of strengthening transport NAMA development in Asia. The EUR 500,000 support will build capacity in ADB and its developing member countries, and deliver tools that eventually will lead to development of at least two transport NAMAs in these countries. The project will furthermore address barriers for NAMA finance; provide training for government staff, deliver information venues and operational guidance to stimulate NAMA advancement in the region.

The project has potential to contribute to the development of innovative climate finance mechanisms in line with NDF strategy 2014-2015. The facility supports the development of the NAMA mechanism and will contribute to this innovative mechanism for climate finance becoming more widely accepted.

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