Unlocking finance for circular economy
This week NDF joins the global circular economy community at the World Circular Economy Forum in Helsinki. We were on stage for the session focusing on finance and joined other Nordic institutions hosting the Nordic Expo Hub.
Circular economy is a topic closely related to climate adaptation and mitigation, which form the main strategic focus of NDF. We support the circular economy agenda through projects in least developed countries and countries in fragile situations. Our portfolio includes several projects focusing on circular economy solutions, such as the African Circular Economy Facility (ACEF).
”We need patient and risk-tolerant capital from investors, to complement and crowd-in more commercial investors with a different risk-return profile. We need governments, development finance institutions and commercial investors joining forces to finance sustainable and viable business models for circularity,” says Karin Isaksson, the Managing Director of NDF.
Unlocking finance for sustainable solutions was one of the topics addressed in the Forum. Karin Isaksson and Anthony Nyong, the Director of Climate Change and Green Growth from African Development Bank outlined the path towards addressing the critical need to find financing for climate and circular economy.
As a tangible example, the panel presented the African Circular Economy Facility (ACEF), co-financed by NDF, highlighting the importance of partnerships to enable the creation of circular economy solutions in Africa.