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Web Chat on Gender and Climate Finance 26 March


The Asian Development Bank (ADB) invites members of the climate and development community to participate in a web chat on gender and climate finance at 8:30pm on 25 March in North America EST (-5 GMT) / 12:30am on 26 March GMT / 8:30am on 26 March in Manila.

NDF is co-financing a project titled Gender and Climate Finance in the Mekong region with ADB. According to its strategy NDF supports projects that address gender equality and climate change.

This web chat is directly linked to the aforementioned project and is organized in the context of ADB's regional technical assistance program 'Harnessing Climate Change Mitigation Initiatives to Benefit Women' in Viet Nam, Cambodia and Lao PDR which aims to mainstream gender into mitigation policies, develop national and local actors' capacity to access finance and develop inclusive mitigation action, and supports the implementation of 3 gender-responsive pilot projects in the region.

Contact: Please direct any organizational questions to Natalie Harms (nharms(at) or Karen Palmer (kpalmer(at) To submit questions to be discussed in the chat, please send an email to: chat(at) or send us a Facebook or Twitter message. For more information on the RETA, please visit ADB's website

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This technical assistance project will support national and sub-national government agencies in incorporating gender specific concerns in their work on climate change related policies.