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World leaders pledge for weather and climate data at COP27


NDF and WMO brought together an impressive number of partners to find early warning solutions through the Systematic Observation Financing Facility. The event spread inspiration and high hopes as commitments were made, and pledges registered.

In the context of COP27, the UN Climate Conference, Nordic Development Fund (NDF) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) gathered a full house to mobilize additional funding to ensure that the countries most vulnerable to climate change can get financing to bridge the gaps in weather and climate data.

“Basic weather and climate data is a global public good that underpins all climate action, including early warning systems. The Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF) will narrow the data gap from Least Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States. NDF was among the initial SOFF funders”, says Henrik Franklin, NDF’s Director of Portfolio Management and Origination and co-chair of SOFF.

He was echoed by several high-level speakers.

“In the new climate economy, weather data are an important component of economic data. Collecting and sharing this information is absolutely vital. Better data will improve climate models and climate risk assessments, and it will mean better targeting for critical adaptation investments”, said Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, and strong supporter of SOFF,

At COP27, several countries announced their contributions to the initiative. USA and Spain joined as new co-funders and Austria, Ireland and Norway made additional financial commitments.This speaks clear language of the importance of this financing facility in tackling climate change globally and especially in LDCs and SIDS.

“My question would be: Why didn’t we establish this before, and what took so long?” said Sigrid Kaag, Minister of Finance of the Netherlands.

You can read the WMO press release here.

IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva opening the event with NDF's Henrik Franklin. Photo: NCM

Dialogue between Inger Andersen (UNEP), Florian Papperberger (ECMWF) and Nirivololona Raholijao (Meteo Madagascar). Photo: NCM

Minister of International Development of Norway  Anne BeatheTvinnereim and Henrik Franklin (NDF). Photo: NCM

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The Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF) is a new initiative with the overall objective to strengthen climate adaptation and resilient development through data collection, processing and availability that will improve weather forecasts, early warning systems and climate information services. SOFF will provide finance and technical assistance to countries in order to improve their hydromet network, data collection, processing and sharing.

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