Our financing
We provide financing to climate change mitigation and adaptation activities within the nexus of climate change and development in lower-income countries and countries in fragile situations.

Climate and development
Our operations target the nexus between climate and development. This core foundation recognises that climate change and poverty reduction are closely interlinked.

Adaptation and mitigation
We prioritise projects focused on adaptation and resilience, and projects delivering synergetic adaptation and mitigation benefits.

Private and public sectors
Through our operations, we are in an optimal position to support both public and private sector development, as well as activities linking the two sectors.

Flexible financing
Our financing is provided on concessionary terms in the form of grants, loans and equity. These instruments can be used stand-alone or in different combinations as relevant.

Strategic partnerships
For us, co-financing with strategic partners is a well-established way of working to leverage financing, knowledge and expertise.
Photo credit: Miguel Oliveira / EEP Africa