Adaptation and mitigation
We provide financing to mitigation and adaptation activities within the nexus of climate change and development in lower-income countries and countries in fragile situations.
We support adaptation through a wide range of activities that will enhance the ability of partner countries to respond to climate change-related issues such as sea level rise; storms, floods, and drought; and threats to water resources, health, infrastructure, agriculture and food security. Social impacts are particularly relevant with regard to adaptation as the poor and generally disadvantaged tend to be the most vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change.
We provide financing to projects mitigating climate change through supporting a more competitive low-carbon economy that makes efficient, sustainable use of resources, including reduction of greenhouse gases, improvement of energy efficiency, promotion of added renewable energy capacity and efficient smart electricity grids, fossil-free transport systems, carbon sequestration, waste minimisation and recycling.

Access to water is a major challenge in remote off-grid Tanzania, where NDF funding has helped pioneer and test climate smart water ATMs to tackle water access in ways communities can bank on. Photo: Chris Morgan
Focus on adaptation
While climate finance has reached record levels, action still falls far short of what is needed. This is particularly true with regard to adaptation financing. A dramatic step-change in climate finance is necessary to achieve the global commitments set forth in the Paris Agreement on climate change.
This development in financing is particularly important for the countries where we operate. These countries and their populations are most vulnerable to the consequences of climate change and often lack financing to remedy the situation. There is also a wide agreement that this step-change will require the active engagement of the private sector not just as a financing partner, but also for innovation and implementation of projects.

The water collector tanks redirect rain water to irrigation systems, improving livelihoods of indigenous people in remote Honduran communities by stabilising their crop yields. Photo: GOAL Honduras
Photo credit: SunCulture