Disaster Management and Climate Change Project [NDF C17]

The project aims to reduce the rural populations’ vulnerability to natural disasters and increase resilience of communities and watersheds to climate change impacts through planned adaptation measures.

Disaster Management and Climate Change Project
Ref: NDF C17

EUR 2.5 million
Project period: 2011-2016
Partner agency: Inter-American Development Bank
Project completed in March 2017. Actual disbursed amount EUR 2,486,139.00


Reduction of rural populations’ vulnerability to natural disasters and increasing resilience of communities and watersheds to climate change impacts through planned adaptation measures. The project comprises the following components:

  • Natural resources management with the aim of reducing disasters and adapting to climate change;

  • Design and construction of small-scale infrastructure to reduce losses due to extreme weather; and

  • Development of climate change capacity, vulnerability mapping, and payment for environmental services.


Total cost EUR 2.5 million. The total budget for the Project is USD 13.0 million. Government of Nicaragua will provide USD 0.5 million as counterpart funding.

NDF Contact

Program Manager Aage Jørgensen
Telephone +358 10 618 002

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