GMS Climate Resilience and Low Carbon Strategies [NDF C54]

The project aims at improving biodiversity conservation and climate resilience across the Greater Mekong Sub-Region (GMS).

Greater Mekong Sub-Region (GMS) - Climate Resilience and Low Carbon Strategies
Ref: NDF C54

EUR 4.0 million
Project period: 2013-2016
Partner agency: Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Project completed in December 2018. Actual disbursed amount EUR 4,000,000.00.


To improve biodiversity conservation and climate resilience across the Greater Mekong Sub-Region (GMS).

The CEP-BCI comprises four components: (1) environmental planning systems, methods, and safeguards improved; (2) management of transboundary biodiversity conservation landscapes and local livelihoods improved; (3) climate-resilient and low-carbon strategies developed; and (4) institutions and financing for sustainable environmental management improved.

Under component 3, NDF will finance two sub-components: 3.1 and 3.2. The output of subcomponent 3.1 is climate change risk mitigation and disaster preparedness capacity developed. Work under this sub-component will strengthen the climate change knowledge base and adaptation capacity of the GMS countries by focusing on the following three activities:

Strengthen capacity for climate change modelling and monitoring: By building strategic partnerships with research and academic institutions, work under this activity will assess, model and monitor climate change risks, and improve information about climate change projections and impacts for the region. Climate projections will be developed using various downscaled models, identifying areas at risk from natural hazards (risk/hazard mapping), and compiling adaptation best practice (including from indigenous knowledge).

Strengthen capacity for risk assessments and identify adaptation interventions: The aim of this activity is to build risk assessment capacity in academic institutions and government agencies to integrate climate change considerations (i.e. hazards, vulnerability, risks, adaptation) into local investment decisions and land use plans. To achieve this, CEP-BCI will focus on developing sectoral approaches to assess and respond to climate change risks. The capacity of communities to respond to climate change risks will be strengthened by replicating integrated ecosystem and community-based risk assessments based on participatory rural appraisal techniques.

Test and replicate cost-effective local-level adaptation options: Under this activity, local funding and institutional instruments will be initiated to develop and implement climate change adaptation interventions. The focus of work will be on supporting communities to respond to natural disasters and adapt to a changing climate. Pilot projects for early warning systems and local finance mechanisms (e.g. risk insurance) will be developed in communities living in biodiversity conservation corridor areas.

The output of sub-component 3.3 is low carbon strategies and technologies promoted and NAMA technical capacity developed. Work under this sub-component will support the GMS countries to develop mitigation actions by strengthening policy responses, establishing monitoring systems, and testing on-the-ground actions through the following activities:

Raise awareness and provide policy and planning support for NAMAs: Under this activity, CEP-BCI will raise GMS awareness of emerging global mechanisms such as NAMAs and provide planning and technical support for countries to formulate climate change mitigation actions in sectors including transport, energy and agriculture.

Strengthen technical capacity for mitigation MRV systems: This activity will build national capacity to monitor and track greenhouse gas emissions, and evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation actions and policies. A sector/sub-sector-level plan will be identified and used as a case to establish an emissions baseline and subsequent MRV framework.

Develop and test low carbon interventions for transport and energy sectors: Low-carbon ‘green freight’ interventions identified during CEP-BCI phase 1 will be piloted and through these pilots local-level green freight centers will be established to deploy technical and financial interventions. These projects will involve the private sector and identify potential investment opportunities. Additional interventions for testing in the GMS will be identified such as decentralized renewable energy and energy efficiency through feasibility studies and assessments of carbon/cost trade-offs for different mitigation activities (e.g. marginal abatement cost curves).

ADB will be the executing agency and NDF’s partner in the proposed project, and NDF’s funding will be channelled through ADB as joint co-financing.


Total cost of the project will be EUR 22.5 million, of which NDF will provide EUR 4.0 million, Finland EUR 10.8 million, Sida EUR 6.4 million, GEF EUR 0.7 million, and ADB EUR 0.6 million.

NDF Contact

Program Manager Martina Jägerhorn
Telephone +358 10 618 002

More information

C54 Co-financing Agreement

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