Green Climate Fund Readiness Support for Central America and Bolivia [NDF C80]

The objective of the proposal is to support Central American countries and Bolivia in preparing and accessing resources from the Green Climate Fund

Latin America Regional
Green Climate Fund Readiness Support for Central America and Bolivia
Project Ref: NDF C80

EUR 0.5 million
Project period: 36 months 2015-2018
Partner agency: Inter-American Development Bank
Project completed in October 2020. Actual disbursed amount EUR 415,401.21.


The objective of the proposal is to support Central American countries and Bolivia in preparing and accessing resources from the Green Climate Fund. The proposed project will enable and catalyse climate investments towards, low carbon, climate resilient technology and infrastructure (natural and physical), as well as to conserve essential natural resources which provide key local and global services. 

The project will focus on the following four components:

a) Information and Knowledge sharing
This component will facilitate the access to information and knowledge on the specificity of the Green Climate Fund to Bolivia and Central American countries and potential project developers. At the national level, support will be provided to the National Designated Authorities (NDAs) in sharing information on Green Climate Fund opportunities and requirements, to a diverse range of stakeholders, through workshops and the preparation of relevant materials.  At regional, sub-regional and national level, workshops will be organized to share early experiences on project prioritisation and formulation with the Green Climate Fund.

b) Support to Green Climate Fund Accreditation
The project will provide on-demand support to national entities seeking accreditation to the Green Climate Fund to assess their compliance with the requirements of the Green Climate Fund and establish road maps for the accreditation process.

c) Identification and Prioritization of projects
The third component will support Bolivia and Central American countries in identifying and prioritising projects to be submitted to the Green Climate Fund.

d) Detailed design of Projects
The fourth component will provide technical support to Bolivia and Central American countries in developing prioritised projects in their Green Climate Fund pipeline into full project proposals to be presented to the Green Climate Fund.

The NDF funding will be provided as joint co-financing to the Inter-American Development Bank. Procurement of consulting services will be done according to Inter-American Development Bank procurement rules.


Total cost of the project will be EUR 810,000 with IDB providing USD 350,000 and NDF contributing EUR 500,000.

NDF Contact

Program Manager Aage Jørgensen
Telephone +358 10 618 002

More Information

C80 Administration Agreement

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