Innovative and Climate Resilient Housing in the Mekong Delta [NDF C67]

The objective of the project is to increase climate resilience of poor communities in the Mekong Delta by providing improved low-income housing solutions for climate resilient green urban land-use planning and infrastructure.

Innovative and Climate Resilient Housing in the Mekong Delta
Ref: Small Grants Facility SGF

EUR 0.5 million
Project Period: 2014-2016
Partner Agency: Asian Development Bank (ADB) 
Project completed in February 2020. Actual disbursed amount EUR 500,000.00.


The project will mainstream climate and disaster resilience in vulnerable low-income areas in the Mekong Delta. It’s in line with NDF’s strategy as it focuses on resilient planning and resilient construction relating to climate change. The project also contributes to poverty alleviation as it plans to test affordable, resilient, and environmental-friendly housing which can be replicated in future investment projects if found successful.

The project will also contribute to private sector development as it contains activities aiming at training local private firms, especially small and medium enterprises, as suppliers of local construction material and to be proficient in the construction approach and responsive to government needs for low-cost housing and resilient land-use planning.

The project activities include the following:

1. Land-Use Planning for Green Resilient Commune
2. Developing Resilient Construction
3. Training and Capacity Building
4. Monitoring and Evaluation


The total cost of the proposed project to be financed by NDF is estimated at 500,000 EUR (694,000 USD). On top of NDF’s contribution, an in-kind contribution (covering labour, office supply, etc.) of 100,000 USD is expected from Vietnam.

Contact info

Program Manager Martina Jägerhorn
Tel: +358 10 618 0456

More information

C67 Co-financing Agreement

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