Nordic Partnership Initiative Pilot Programme [NDF C34]

The project aims at improving Vietnam’s readiness to benefit from international climate financing by supporting scaling up mitigation actions in the cement sector.

Nordic Partnership Initiative Pilot Programme
Ref: NDF C34

EUR 1.5 million
Project period: 2012-2014
Project completed in October 2016. Actual disbursed amount EUR 1,389,792.40.


The project aims at improving Vietnam’s readiness to benefit from international climate financing by supporting scaling up mitigation actions in the cement sector. The proposed project will explore and address gaps in data availability and quality regarding sectoral GHG emissions, technical and institutional capacity as well as potential barriers to implementing scaling up greenhouse gas mitigation actions in the cement sector in Vietnam. Special emphasis will be given to exploring opportunities to utilise new forms of international climate finance, including possible new market-based mechanisms in Vietnam’s cement and constructions sector, implying a results-based approach for provision of future support. Attention will also be paid to involving the relevant stakeholders and mapping out the cement sector's viewpoint on the functioning of the overall framework. NDF will finance a Technical Assistance Contract with the following activities:

1) Set up data and MRV system of international standards for NAMA readiness
2) Identify and design appropriate support instruments for mitigation actions.
3) Identify and address technical, information, and capacity barriers


Total cost of the project will be EUR 1.6 million, of which NDF will provide EUR 1.5 million, and Government of Vietnam EUR 0.1 million.

NDF Contact

Program Manager Martina Jägerhorn
Telephone +358 10 618 002

Related documents

Grant Agreement C34

Facts about the nordic co-operation - Nordic Partnership Initiative: Cement Sector NAMA Readiness Programme in Vietnam


Entire Reports available for download

Inception Report

Progress Report Q1/2014

Progress Report Q2/2014

Progress Report Q3/2014

Mid-term Report

Progress Report Q4/2014

Progress Report Q1/2015

Progress Report Q2/2015

Progress Report Q3-Q4/2015

Completion Report


Executive Summary of Technical report available for download. The complete report available upon request from ndfc34(at) 

Assessment of legal and institutional framework of cement industry in Vietnam

Additional study on low carbon options implemented at Holcim Vietnam and Ha Tien cement Plants

Project and emission boundary

Assessment of availability and quality of the data and gap analysis

Data set guidelines and calculation methodology

Energy and CO2 emission scenario analysis of the Vietnam cement industry

Existing and potential financing sources, instruments and interest to support mitigation action in Vietnam’s cement sector

Current and planned policies

Policies in other countries and applicability in Vietnam

Data Collection and Database System including Third Version of Database

Nama design options for the cement sector in Vietnam and supporting regulatory framework

Institutional requirements for the possible NAMA

Definition of NAMA financing needs, analysis of market mechanisms to finance the NAMA and setting up a NAMA financial plan

Collection and Analysis of further data needs to inform the policy-makers Revised

Programs/projects in Vietnam relevance for the NAMA cement project

Draft Readiness Plan for the cement sector in Vietnam

Setting up sector-level MRV system of international standard for the cement sector in Vietnam

Low Carbon Options for the Cement Sector of Vietnam

Stakeholder engagement capacity building and recommendations

Guide on NAMA design and MRV structure

Stakeholder engagement plan to support the NAMA for the cement sector in Vietnam

Study on baseline and mitigations options


Final Readiness Plan for the Cement Sector in Vietnam 

Final Readiness Plan

Related news and stories

The Nordic Partnership Initiative Pilot Programme for Supporting Up-Scaled Climate Change Mitigation Action in Vietnam’s Cement Sector, also called the Cement NAMA (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action) project was completed in June 2016. The results were presented in a UNFCCC side event at the COP22 in Marrakesh in November 2016.