Regional Geothermal Training Programme [NDF C16]

The intervention will increase the local knowledge and skills in specific aspects related to geothermal potential, exploration, planning and utilisation.

Central America
Regional Geothermal Training Programme
Ref: NDF C16

EUR 1.5 million
Project period: 2012-2017
Partner agency: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and ICEIDA

Project completed in December 2018. Actual disbursed amount EUR 1,469,833.69.


The main objective of the project is to develop a geothermal training programme and facilitate the training activities in El Salvador to serve the Central American region.  This would intensify the research and development, result in concrete geothermal projects, and gradually increase the share of geothermal energy in the region. This would reduce the need to construct thermal power plants based on fossil fuels and thus limit the CO2 emissions. This objective is expected be met by designing and introducing a geothermal training programme using the expertise available in UN University - Geothermal Training Programme (UNU-GTP) in Iceland. The programme is proposed to be run in El Salvador because of logistical reasons. The centre would train specialists from various Central American countries in various aspects of geothermal technology. It will serve the public and private sector as well as academia. After three full years of operation the programme is expected to cover its costs from tuition fees paid by public and private power companies in Central America and elsewhere in Latin America.


Total cost of the project will be EUR 2.7 million, of which NDF will provide EUR 1.5 million, IDB EUR 0.6 million, local contribution in El Salvador EUR 0.6 million.

NDF Contact

Program Manager Aage Jørgensen
Telephone +358 10 618 002

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