Renewable Energy in the Bay Islands [NDF C75]

The objective is to determine the renewable energy potential in the Honduras Bay Islands and evaluate the feasibility of using wind and solar energy sources. The assessment will be used to prepare a strategy in order to reduce progressively the use of fossil fuel in the islands.

Renewable Energy in the Bay Islands
Project Ref: NDF C75

EUR 0.5 million
Project period: 2014-2017
Partner agency: Inter-American Development Bank
Project completed in June 2018. Actual disbursed amount EUR 499,356.53.


The overall objective is to contribute to transforming the Honduran Bay Islands into a low carbon economy  through an assessment of renewable energy options and development of an energy strategy and investment plan.

The project includes the following phases:
i) Renewable resource assessment: Site selection, solar radiation evaluation, wind measurement and resource evaluation, and training of local staff.
ii) Feasibility study analysis: Topographic assessment, site analysis, electric interconnection study, geotechnical studies, access roads and platforms design, preliminary environmental and social impact assessment, hybrid system analysis, and economic analysis.
iii) Energy Strategy and Investment Plan: The results will be used to prepare: a) strategy for introducing gradually RE sources in each island, b) estimative investment plan for implementing the Energy Master Plan; c) strengthening capacities of SERNA and local stakeholders for environmental consciousness and adequate management of local resources.

The project will have positive impacts from both adaptation and mitigation point of view. The concept is expected to have great potential to be up-scaled by the national development programs. The NDF funding will be provided as joint co-financing to the Inter-American Development Bank. Procurement of consulting services will be done according to Inter-American Development Bank’s procurement rules.


Total cost of the project will be USD 728,000. NDF financing would be up to EUR 0.5 million (approx. USD 650,000), with USD 78,000 co-financing confirmed from the Inter-American Development Bank.

NDF Contact

Program Manager Aage Jørgensen
Telephone +358 10 618 002

More Information

C75 Administration Agreement

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