Rural Electrification with Renewable Energy [NDF C47]

The objective of the NDF component is to complement the IDB Rural Electrification program with renewable energy solutions including hybrid energy systems and solar applications.

Rural Electrification with Renewable Energy
Ref: NDF C47

EUR 4.0 million
Project period: 2013-2016
Partner Agency: IDB 
Project completed in December 2019. Actual disbursed amount EUR 4,000,000.00.


The main objective of the Rural Electrification Program is to improve the quality of life of the low-income population without access or with limited access to electricity by expanding and improving electricity coverage. The objective of the NDF component is to complement the IDB Rural Electrification program with renewable energy solutions including hybrid energy systems and solar applications. The IDB Rural Electrification Program includes extension to transmission and distribution systems and support to the national program to provide electricity to the poor (Programa Electricidad para vivir con Dignidad, PEVD). PEVD includes technical assistance to the Vice-ministry of Electricity and Alternative Energy (VMEEA) with the intension to implement pilot alternative energy and energy efficiency projects. Under the PEVD program NDF would provide financing to additional, climate relevant pilot projects and support their design and scaling-up plans. The proposed NDF project can be divided into following components:

  • scoping and design study;

  • replacing or hybridizing diesel generation units in rural electricity systems using renewable energy including solar, wind or micro hydro generation;

  • promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency by providing basic energy services to rural schools, hospitals and government buildings in rural areas through the use of solar energy.


The total project cost is EUR 50 million. NDF’s share is EUR 4 million and local contribution is EUR 0.2 million.  

NDF Contact

Program Manager Aage Jørgensen
Telephone +358 10 618 002

Related documents

Administration Agreement C47

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