Senegal Stormwater Management and Climate Change Adaptation Project 2 (PROGEP2) [NDF C137]

status active

The objective of the project is to reduce flood risks in peri-urban areas of Dakar and improve capacity to plan integrated urban flood risks management for selected cities in Senegal.


NDF C137

2021 to 2026

EUR 7.1 million


World Bank, Municipal Development Agency (ADM)

Martina Jägerhorn (


The development objective of the project is to reduce flood risks in peri-urban areas of Dakar and improve capacity to plan integrated urban flood risks management for selected cities in Senegal. The specific objectives are to:

  • Enhance the capacity of the central and local governments to prepare and implement urban projects informed by climate-resilient urban plans, drainage master plans, and flood risk management plans in four areas of the Dakar region; 

  • Systematise and promote good practices for integrated urban climate resilience management through pilot studies and demonstration projects of innovative nature-based solutions;

  • Augment climate-resilient sanitation approaches in the peri-urban settlements in terms of smart combinations of on-site sanitation and piped sewerage; and

  • Promote measures for reducing the gender gap, involving the private sector and generating and disseminating knowledge.

The following outcomes are expected:

  • Validate planning documents related to urban resilience and sustainability including climate change comprising the Urban Development Plan (PUD) accompanied by a Drainage Master Plan (PDD) and an integrated Flood Risk Management Plan (PGRI).

  • The General Directorate of Town Planning and Architecture (DGUA) actively performs its role, including cooperation with ADM, in management of the project.

  • Knowledge generated on the use of innovative and green flood control measures, integrated resilient urban development plans, and how these can contribute to reducing the gender gap.

  • Implementation of the communication plan results in increased awareness, tools and use of opportunities for actions to increase climate resilience of people at local and central levels.

  • Key stakeholders involved in climate change adaptation trained.

  • Innovative peri-urban sanitation solutions like optimal combinations of on-site and piped systems embedded in investment projects.


The total project cost estimate is EUR 152.3 million. NDF is providing EUR 7.1 million as a grant while the WB and the Government of Senegal provides USD 155.0 million and USD 8.7 million respectively.

PROGEP2 is a continuation to the Senegal Stormwater Management and Climate Change Adaptation Project (PROGEP1) implemented in 2012-2021. NDF supported the project with EUR 7.0 million in grant financing. 

More information

Flood Risk Management (PROGEP) [NDF C33]

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