Training in Geothermal Drilling Operations [NDF C41]

The main objective is to accelerate the development of Kenya’s geothermal resources by taking the already available and incoming drilling equipment to efficient use.

Electricity Expansion Project, Training in Geothermal Drilling
Ref: NDF C41

EUR 1.5 million
Project period: 2015-2019
Partner Agency: World Bank 
Project completed in July 2020. Actual disbursed amount EUR 85,907.00.


The main objective is to accelerate the development of Kenya’s geothermal resources by taking the already available and incoming drilling equipment to efficient use. The project intends to provide training to the operating personnel of the drilling rigs. The training will enable Geothermal Development Company (GDC) to explore and commercialise geothermal fields to meet the target to increase the geothermal energy from 200 MW to 5,000 MW by 2030. The project consists of two parts; training needs assessment and training in drilling operations. The training will include both theoretical training provided in a specialised institution and on-the-job training in the field. Approximately 350 persons will be trained. Developing the country’s own human resources will be cost effective and benefit in the long run the whole East African region. The geothermal drilling training will be provided under the World Bank Electricity Expansion Project. Geothermal Development Company (GDC) has been nominated as one of the beneficiary companies to receive capacity building. GDC will be the implementing agency of the project.


Total cost of training is estimated at EUR 2.7 million. NDF’s share is EUR 1.5 million. Local costs are covered by the beneficiary organisation, Geothermal Development Company (GDC).

NDF Contact

Director Jepser Andersen
Telephone +358 10 618 002

More information

C41 Grant Agreement

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